Monday, March 05, 2007

General Meeting, March 5, 2007

9:10 - Begin Meeting

What is going on with the stock market?
- many Americans people have invested in China - upcoming world market
- last Tues. dropped a huge amount - dropped US stock market to lowest it's been in last 4 years
- Chinese govt said they need to regulate economic growth - investors, got a little nervous, all sold their stocks - so stock market in China went down dramatically
- this caused the Japan market to go down - US market also went down
- now Chinese mainland stock market is rebounding - however the Japanese and European stock markets are not so easily able to rebound b/c weary of world market investments and also b/c fears of US falling into recession

9:40 - Donation Request

9:50 - Adjourn

Tomorrow: Personal Finance Planning Course
March 6th - 7 PM Thomas 110

Next Meeting!
- current events in the areas of our stocks
- possibly Hollywood Stock Exchange
- All Kinds of Good Stuff!


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