Monday, April 02, 2007

April 2, 2007 - General Meeting

9:10 - Begin Meeting
Discussion of Math and Econ Majors

9:20 - Elections
Who is running?
Executive Director - (CEO) June Lee, Joanna Tai
P.R. (Investment Relations) - Jill Settlemyer
Secretary (COO) - Marie Guldin
Portfolio Manager (CIO) - Lily Chen, Leslie Warren, Samrina Sattar
Bank Manager (CFO) - Yuliya Orlosa, Fatma Barkus

We will wait until next week to vote to hear back from OIG members that are abroad.

What do you want to see in OIG next year?
- we want Danny to come visit!
- more people at meetings
- more initiative on members part to research stocks - but not too much buying and selling of the same stocks
- Fun Fact: Money to start OIG was donated in 1976 by a Bryn Mawr alum!
- PFP next year - try to get PE credits or half a credit, maybe incorporate it into a Wellness class
- keep it separated from OIG but still incorporate it into meetings maybe once a month
- Fall Frolic and Spring Activities Fair - we should set up a table
- add some Bi-Co elements - to attract more members
- New Donation Request - maybe at the beginning of each month we have a bunch of groups come in and all request - so they can sort of compete and we can keep track of money we give out - this will be less disruptive to meetings
- OIG sponsered movie night - Pursuit of Happiness
- Economic Conference at UPenn April 12 and 13th

How do we want to balance the fact that members are finance people and non-finance people who have an interest in finance?
- people who attend regularly can present - doesn't have to be board members
- appeal more to the masses - at the beginning of the year at least
- create a mission's statement

Next Meeting:
Seniors Panel - on CDO and how to find a job
Donation Request


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